domingo, 28 de junho de 2009

“Guia para migrantes internacionais”

No site, encontramos um ótimo “guia para migrantes internacionais”. Peter Stalker, desenvolvedor do site, é um escritor freelance inglês que escreveu livros acerca do tema –migração-, e possui o presente site baseado nas suas obras. O site, entitulado “Stalker’s Guide to International Migration”, possui diversas seções interessantíssimas, dentre as quais destaquei algumas bastante pertinentes, que, para quem compreende a língua inglesa, vale a pena conferir!


According to the United Nations, only around 191 million people lived outside the country of their birth in 2005 — around 3% of world population. Nevertheless the presence of international migrants can raise many contentious issues and generate controversy out of all proportion to their modest numbers.

“Rapidinha” de perguntas que o mundo inteiro se faz, e que Peter Stalker trouxe solução.

• Do emigrants drain skills from their home countries?
Brain drain
Many developing countries, particularly in Africa are losing valuable skills. But in other countries, particularly in Asia, people invest in their own education in order to emigrate. And the country gains when they send money home as remittances.

• Do immigrants sponge off welfare states?
Wanting to work
Typically young, vigorous and enterprising, immigrants want to earn as much as possible—often to send money home. So they will not want to scrape along on welfare. Indeed as taxpayers they are likely to make a net contribution to the government budget.

• Do immigrants steal the jobs of local workers?
Immigrants in demand
Immigrant workers tend not to displace local workers,. Rather, they complement them—by doing the work that local people reject, or by providing valuable additional skills.


• Wage gaps
Most people migrate, either temporarily or permanently, to take advantage of opportunities in richer countries — to earn more money and widen their horizons.

• The need for workers
Another reason why people migrate is that many richer countries have jobs available for immigrant workers.

• Development disruption
Another factor influencing emigration is the disruption caused by economic and social development.

Para finalizar e descontrair um pouquinho, uma charge muito interessante que sinaliza o que seriam os primeiros imigrantes ilegais, título desta.
Segue a tradução do balãozinho: “Nenhum green card (visto permanente de imigração)? Nenhum visto? Desculpem-nos, mas nós precisamos ver alguma identificação”

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